
{March 31, 2012}   Prohibition leads to…MOONshine!

So I was thinking about ‘back in the day’ when it was illegal to manufacture, sell, buy and I assume DRINK alcohol. The prohibition of beer, wine and spirits was called the “noble experiment” and by all accounts the experiment failed miserably, because people partied like it was 1929! “Bootlegging”, or the illegal transport of alcoholic beverages, was probably a profitable business to get into – the good quality booze came mostly from Canada or the UK; but folks who you wouldn’t want to run into, out in the woods, cooked up their own brand of liquor called “moonshine.” It is more than speculation that many of the legislators, on BOTH sides of the aisle, were in on voting for prohibition, then behind the scenes making tidy little fortunes on the sordid contraband,..along with various local officials and shady law enforcement agents.

With all of the recent legislative focus on women and their reproductive healthcare and contraception, I had a totally FREAKY idea – what if they enact prohibition of “the pill”? I know, I know; it sounds like a potential screenplay for a futuristic, sci-fi thriller! Is it so far-fetched?..or is it a real possibility lurking in our upcoming future?! All I know is I wouldn’t want some of those spooky guys cooking up my “moonshine” pills out in the woods…

and making these “bootleggers” rich!

                                                                            ❤ and Peace, Bootstrap Democrat

Justme says:

Perhaps if it’s children they want us to have willy-nilly we should do like Al Qaeda and teach our 99%er off-spring to hate the 1%ers and then we can just beat them down so that the people that have two feet in reality can take over and truly make this a great country. After all aren’t we always saying how great it is that our military goes to other countries for our freedom. Well we as women are still fighting for our freedoms even though we have it better in this country then women in other countries have it. I still fail to under stand why we have to keep rehashing, birth control pills and abortion. It wasting time and money we have bigger fish to fry and that is to make sure that the people that have their feet firmly planted on planet earth. The straighten up this one before we go trying to create another one. They will be begging women to take the pill then.

Charlotte says:

With a few exceptions, a lot of these guys were never around as adults when there was no such thing as a birth control pill. They should do a little more reading about the realities of that time. Some could ask their wives…most would have to ask their mothers. In lieu of bootlegged pills, there were back rooms and coat hangers and something they also thrive on – a lot of fear.

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